Term 3 Week 9 News Update
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news update please click on the pdf document below:
Bake Sale!
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou ki to mahi! Thank you to everyone for their kindness and generosity! Together we raised $1,584.40 for MND NZ. Arohanui e te whānau! Shelley Dalton
Tickets for Production on Sale Now!
Kia ora e te whānau Tickets for upcoming production, ‘Porridge’ are now on sale through Kindo. Here is the link: The tickets are selling as “first in first served” basis. All school aged children and those children who need a seat of their own are required to purchase a ticket. The children who are in the…
Pizza Lunch This Week!
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that our wonderful PTSG committee will be organising a pizza lunch this coming Friday 13th September. The Kindo app is now open for ordering and will close off on Thursday 12th at 9.00am. Thank you!
Whānau/Cultural Hui Today!
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that we are going to be holding our third whānau/cultural hui at school for the year today at 6pm in Room 1. We will start with karakia and kai. There will be plenty of kai provided for you and your whānau. However, if you would like to…
MND Bake Sale a Mouthwatering Sellout!
Kia ora e te whānau, It wasn’t just a sea of blue as our tamariki dressed up for ‘Blue Day’ but an ocean of cakes, slices, and biscuits as our very generous Tawhai community rolled in with their donations first thing in the morning! There were so many beautifully decorated items and such a variety…
Cookies Arriving Monday
Kia ora e te whānau, The PTSG have been advised that the rookie cookies will be delivered to the kura on Monday 9th September and once they have been sorted will be taken to your tamariki’s classroom for you to collect at the normal end of school pick up time. Thank you!
Pizza Lunch Next Week!
Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG committee will be organising a pizza lunch on Friday 13th September. The Kindo app is now open for ordering and will close off on Thursday 12th at 9.00am. Thank you!
Tawhai Bake Sale Tomorrow!
Kia ora e te whānau, Remember: Friday is the Tawhai Bake Sale! Come dressed in BLUE and bring some change to buy a sweet treat all in support of MND NZ.
Whānau/Cultural Hui Coming up!
Kia ora e te whānau, We are excited to be holding our third whānau/cultural hui at school for the year. Please come and join us on Monday 9th September at 6pm in Room 1. We will start with karakia and kai. There will be plenty of kai provided for you and your whānau. However, if…
Spring is in the Air!
Kia ora e te whānau, We are back to wet weather again unfortunately, but yesterday It did feel very springlike so the resident kaiwhakaahua decided to spend some time in the playground with some very happy tamariki who were also enjoying the warmer weather. Here are a few captures! I have also added a couple…
Tawhai Bake Sale in Support of MND NZ
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that Tawhai kura will be having a bake sale on Friday 6th September to raise awareness and funds in support of MND NZ. We have a lovely Tawhai family who are living with the impact of Motor Neurone Disease. They are among the 144 families in NZ who…
In the ‘Purple’!
Kia ora e te whānau, It was lovely to see quite a few tamariki at the kura in purple yesterday to acknowledge Learning Support Awareness Day! Here are just a few photos below!
‘Porridge’ Production Update 2
I can’t believe we are heading into the second half of the term already. Production rehearsals are going well and everyone is working hard. I continue to be impressed with the enthusiasm and motivation of not just the cast, but the whole of Ngahere and those Yr 3s that have come to join us too….
Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG committee will be having their monthly hui in the staffroom tomorrow Wednesday 28th August. Please note that the meeting will start at the later time of 7.30pm. The committee warmly welcomes anyone who would like to come along to the meeting!
Registration for Term 4 sports
Kia ora e te whānau, Touch and Floorball will open tomorrow morning at 9am on the Kindo app. Commitment to the team is needed by all children. I will also need parents to help with coaching/managing teams. Touch teams are capped at 8 per team and Floorball is capped at 6 per team. If…
Maidstone Roadshow
Kia ora e te whānau, We were very fortunate to have a selection of ākonga from Maidstone Intermediate come along and perform for the Year 4-6 ākonga at Tawhai this morning under the whakaruruhau. Their play entitled,’ A Day in the Life at Maidstone Intermediate’, their cheerleading, and dance, enthralled our Tamariki from start to…
On Monday Tawhai School sent 2 teams of 6 students to the annual Mathswell competition. This year it was held at Victoria University and around 58 teams from around Wellington entered. The competition consisted of 4 rounds of tricky multi choice and problem solving questions to be completed within a short timeframe. After the first…
Tawhai Kapa Haka Group Perform at the Multicultural Festival
Kia ora e te whānau, On Sunday 52 of our gorgeous tamariki did themselves, their whānau, and the kura proud with a very stirring performance 3 waiata and the haka at the multicultural Festival which took place in the hall of the Whirinaki Whare Taonga. They kicked off a colourful mixt of vibrant music and…
Term 3 Week 5 News Update
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news update please click on the link below: Thank you!
A Reminder About Rookie Cookie Fundraiser
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that the Rookie Cookie fundraiser via Kindo will be ending on Wednesday 21st August. The ordering time has been extended. $20 per bag of cookies! September 4th is the estimated date of delivery. Thank you!