Tawhai School provides a wide range of learning programmes to support the learning needs of all children.
Tawhai School aims to provide learning programmes that enable students to fulfill their potential. We do this by providing a wide range of programmes to support the learning needs of all children, as well as those who are identified as being high ‘academic achievers’ or ‘talented’. Teachers ensure that:
- learning meets children’s specific needs and abilities
- learning programmes are flexible and adaptive
- children are challenged to think both critically and creatively
To learn more please refer to the Gifted and Talented Policy in School Docs.
In the Classroom
The school provides support and assistance for children identified as requiring extra support with their learning. Gifted and Talented students at Tawhai School have their needs met first and foremost in the classroom through:
Thinking Skills
Students are taught ‘Higher Order’ thinking skills, which are integrated in to everyday lessons and experiences. Students learn how to think critically and creatively.
Self and Peer Assessment
Students are taught and given opportunities to self and peer assess. They use the information gained from these types of assessments to set future learning goals. This encourages greater ownership of for their learning.
Key Competencies
- Thinking – students are taught the skills to ask high-level questions, and are taught how to self reflect and set new learning goals.
- Managing self – students are taught to self regulate their own learning behaviours. Students learn how to effectively independently inquire and communicate what they have learned.
- Relating to Others – some ‘high achievers’ can have difficulty relating to students who are less academically able than themselves. This competency is used to encourage social skills that will assist them to work collaboratively.
- Participating and Contributing – students with particular talents are encouraged to make the most of extra curricular opportunities on offer.
Ability Grouping – differentiated learning
At Tawhai School students are grouped based on ability in reading, writing and maths. Teachers adapt lessons to ensure that the learning intentions and expectations provide appropriate challenge and extension. Mixed ability grouping is also part of our classroom programmes where children have opportunities to communicate and share their learning with each other.
Special Programmes
There is also a wide range of special programmes that run alongside the classroom-learning programme, that allow gifted and talented students additional opportunities to extend themselves.

The EnviroSchools team allows students with a strong interest or talent in environmental education to ‘make a difference’ to the school and local community.
Australasian Exams

- English
- Spelling
- Maths
- Writing
- Science
- Digital Technology
The Performing Arts programme

- school productions
- wearable arts
- Artsplash choir – perform at the Michael Fowler Centre
- Cultural group – Kapa Haka and Pasifika cultural performances

At Tawhai we have many very talented sports athletes and provide a wide range of sporting and sports related leadership opportunities.
ICT and Technologies

Using technologies enables students’ access to relevant, high quality learning opportunities. At Tawhai we use technologies effectively across the curriculum to engage, excite and challenge.
Student Leadership Programme

The student leadership opportunities we provide for our senior students aim to develop leadership skills that will enhance their personal development and build a sense of pride and self-worth. For more information, see the Student Leadership page.
There are times when clubs and other opportunities are offered to students:
- speed stacks
- chess
- origami
- Jump Jam
- EOTC trips
- Photography Club