Behaviour Information

Behaviour Management Strategy

Tawhai is a PB4L ( positive behaviour for learning ) School, where positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning are achieved through a school-wide approach. For more information please click on the link from the Ministry of Education: PB4L.  The Tawhai School Values programme aims to ensure that our school culture is one where:

  1. positive behaviour and learning thrive
  2. students feel safe and love coming to school
  3. differences and diversity are celebrated

Students are explicitly taught the behaviours expected of them. The school-wide ‘values’ approach focuses less on the individual students as the problem and more on changing the ‘environment’ around them to support positive behaviours.

The purpose is to focus on:

  • preventing problem behaviours from occurring
  • developing students’ social skills
  • reinforcing desired behaviours
  • consistently addressing and reducing inappropriate behaviours
  • using database tracking to identify trends and patterns in behaviour

Click on the link below to read the behavious management strategy…