Information for New Parents
School visits
You will be contacted about four weeks prior to your child’s birthday to arrange visits on days and times to suit you. We invite you to stay with your child for the first visit, and ask that you begin to leave your child from the second visit onwards so they may become comfortable with the teacher and the other children. This enables children to settle, and concentrate on learning new routines and making new friends with the class teacher’s support.
Suggested visiting times are as follows, however they are very flexible and can be negotiated to suit your child, the class programme and family commitments.
- 8:45- 10:00 (or 10:30)
- 8:45- 10:30 (bring morning tea)
- 1:50-3:00
- 8:45- 1:00 (bring morning tea)
- 8:45- 1:50(bring morning tea and lunch)
We also ask that you bring your child’s profile/portfolio from their pre-school. These have such a wealth of information about your child and provide a great opportunity for them to share some of their experiences with the classroom teacher and the children. This has proved very successful in supporting a smooth transition to school.

Parents will be issued with a form stating stationery requirements for their child.
As students move through Tawhai School we build up a digital portfolio containing samples of their work.
Scholastic Bookclub
Children may purchase books and other items through the school at a reduced price. This offer is available each term and you will be advised through the school newsletter when brochures can be picked up from the school library. Delivery is approximately two weeks after the date orders close.
School Lunches
We ask that parents do not include fizzy drinks or lollies in their children’s lunches.
School Clothing
Sunhats are required to be worn during terms 1 & 4. Please provide a sunhat that can be kept at school during this time. A copy of our Shady School policy is attached for your information.
Please provide sensible shoes and practical, loose clothing for your children at school. They need to be able to run, jump and play without being hindered by their clothing. Please ensure that all articles and clothing are clearly named. Many children do not recognise their own clothing, and the lost property basket (kept in the hall) is often full to overflowing. It is also advisable to pack some spare clothes in your child’s bag during the winter months when the playgrounds can become very wet due to rain, and children sometimes need may need a change of clothing if they have fallen over and become wet or muddy.
Class and School Trips
From time to time visits are arranged for children. It is hoped that all children will be able to participate in these activities, as visits are usually part of an ongoing class programme. If you have a concern in this area please discuss it with your class teacher or the Principal.
Any cancellations will be broadcast over the 2ZB cancellation service if possible.

Library and Reading Books
It is the Board’s wish that students and community members maximise the use of our library facility. To this end, parents and caregivers are invited to read with their pre-schoolers before school. Please make use of this excellent facility to stimulate a love of books in your children’s lives.
The school library holds a comprehensive and up to date collection of books that the children use for pleasure and research. Each class is timetabled to use the library at least once a week.

Students take reading books home each night. A sturdy bag for these books is part of the junior school stationery order. Once students are reading independently and fluently, they are able to make choices for themselves about reading material. We try to offer a wide range of reading choices for students, and our libraries, both school and community, are wonderful resources for encouraging a life-long interest in reading.
In order to foster independence and promote the use of libraries, we use school library books rather than school readers, as home reading material for our more able readers.
Students from the Junior School take home books daily. Middle and senior students have access to independent kit boxes during class times, but these may be replaced by library books as home readers.
Family lives are very busy these days, but whenever you are able to find some spare time, enjoy reading with or to your child.
- Listen and give lots of praise as your child reads to you
- Share the reading – read a page each
- Read to your child. Children enjoy being read to, no matter how old they are! Teenagers will benefit from this too.
ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
The internet is available in classrooms and the school library. Students do not use the Internet without supervision. They may, however, experience internet use by teacher modelling to the whole class. Students must have parental and staff permission to use the Internet. If they are doing a search they will be supervised by an adult.
When your child is enrolled you are asked to return an Internet permission form (you can download this form below). You will also be asked to give permission for your child’s work and/or photograph to be published on the school website.
Parent Tutors in Reading
A Parent Tutors in Reading (PTR) programme operates at Tawhai School. Children who require extra assistance with reading are identified by their class teacher then placed on this programme. The children attend reading sessions with a trained parent helper who listens to them read and offers support. This programme has been very beneficial in assisting students to read more fluently.
Teacher Aides
From time to time the school employs teacher aides to work alongside students or with small groups in specific learning areas.

Gifted and Talented Programme
Children identified as having special abilities are referred for extension work. Tawhai offers special programmes to help extend students. In addition, each syndicate offers small group extension activities based on individual needs.

Special Needs
The school provides support and assistance for children will both remedial and extension needs. The children are monitored closely by their class teachers and any children requiring additional support are recorded in the school’s Learning Support Register. Trained teachers works with small groups of students in their identified needs area. This may involve extra assistance to help the children achieve success or further work in an area of strength.
Policies and Procedures
Also please take the time to read through the various Policies and Procedures.
Before and After School Care
Tawhai School is offering an ‘out of school care programme’ Kelly club is an organisation that provides OSCAR before care, after care and holiday programmes. They will be based in the school hall and will have access to school facilities. Kelly Club programmes are focused around sports, cooking and craft activities as well as relaxation time round the busy life at school. Children are encouraged, educated and entertained.

Should you require more information, please contact Vanessa Chatfield on 027 4185131, or email or visit the Kelly Club website.