Tawhai School has an active program of varied sporting activities to keep students fit, healthy and active.
Sorting teams
Children at Tawhai School have opportunities to join touch rugby, basketball, netball, floorball and flipperball teams. These opportunities rely heavily on parents/caregivers stepping up to manage and coach teams.
Touch rugby

Tawhai School enters several teams each year in the tournament either at year 1&2; year 3&4 or year 5&6 level. All teams play at Fraser Park during terms 1 and 4.

Basketball (Tiniball, Miniball). Several teams play at Walter Nash Stadium in Taita during terms 2 and 3. Year 1 & 2 play Tiniball on Friday afternoons. Year 3 & 4 play Miniball on Monday afternoons/ early evening. Year 5 & 6 play Miniball on Thursday afternoons/early evenings.

Children will have the opportunity of taking part in swimming programmes and events during the year. The lessons are conducted at the Stokes Valley Pool.

Floorball ( type of indoor hockey). Played in terms 1 and 4 at Walter Nash Stadium, Taita. Teams can be a mixture of year levels from year 1 to 6. Games are played on a Wednesday night.

The Girls are invited to play in a Girl’s Only Futsal Tournament once a year. This is held at the Walter Nash Stadium.
Zone sports events

Tawhai School is involved in many Zone sports events, including athletics, cross country, netball, football, hockey and swimming.

In terms 2 & 3, year 3&4 and years 5&6 children have the opportunity to play netball on Saturday mornings up at Heretaunga College netball courts.

Tawhai School has 1 team of year 5 & 6 children that play in term 2 and 3 on a Wednesday night at Stokes Valley Pool.

Each year an annual walkathon is held to raise money for Tawhai School. Students, teachers and parents do several circuits around Glen Road, Maru Street and Hoereka Street.
Transport Assistance
We appreciate, and often rely on, parental assistance with transport to many school activities. It is school policy that all children must be seat belted in cars; drivers must be licensed, and cars should have a current warrant of fitness and be registered.
Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC)
Visit the EOTC website for more information.
Take a look at the upcoming sporting events published in the school calendar.