Kereru Hub Assembly 10.2

10th February 2023

Kiā ora e te whānau

This week it was the turn of the Kereru Hub to bags the hall for their weekly assembly but fortnightly certificate awards!

After some great singing of the National Anthem by Ruma toru, whā & rima, Ngahere Hub Kaiako, Mrs Johnston dropped in (armed with a jellybean jar) to announce 2 joint winners of ‘guess how many jellybeans in the jar’ competition. The actual amount was 592 but both Aiden and Anita were the nearest with both writing down 600. They will be sharing the proceeds!

Tumuaki Mrs Poole (doing the rounds for 2 other assemblies taking place!) popped into give out the Principal Awards and Mrs K handed out the ākonga awards.

Several of Ruma rima showed everyone their wonderful artwork, IAM and sharing a bit about themselves!

Ruma toru also shared their wonderful collaborative artwork where everyone got to carefully colour in their piece of the puzzle of the abundant harvest of Puanga which links back to the whakatauki – Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai (nurture the seed and it will blossom).

Then it was all stuck back together again. Everyone loved how there is a Kereru in the picture!

Matua Jake was happy to announce that Rima toru were the best class of the assembly!

They got to have their photo taken with the much-hallowed Tawhai Cup afterwards!
