Kereru Hub Assembly

25th August 2023

Kia or e te whānau,

After morning tea today, the Kereru Hub were the first to kick off with their assembly in the hall!

George & Ethan from Ruma toru were our wonderful co-presenters for this particular assembly.

Mrs Poole as always, was very happy to be able to attend the assembly to present the tumuaki awards and was in turn delighted to be presented with a beautiful poster created by Onora and Anita from toru!

Ms Kenworthy handed out the ākonga awards.

To add to the awards, comes a new one based on the Tawhai Kura values. Over the last couple of weeks, the kaiako have been focussing on the value of ‘respect’. Each of them chose an ākonga from their classroom who consistently showed that value.

Ka pai to all those who received awards today!

It is always a pleasure to see how much each class always has to share with their hub at each assembly and today was no exception. We were treated to hearing some poetry using illiteration, similies etc, a bit of self portrait artwork, or some great heartwarming writing about someone very special to the writer!

There were 3 lucky Students drawn out of the Red Star Box to receive prizes and Mr McGarry declared Ruma toru to be the best class of the assembly!
